Getting into Modern Air Rifles
02:00:33 |
Applied Ballistics is finally stepping up to service the needs of the growing precision air rifle community. In this 2-hour podcast, Bryan and Mitch from Applied Ballistics speak with Matt Dubber of FX Air rifles to get the lay of the land in terms of ballistic testing. In the coming months, AB is going to be testing many modern air rifle projectiles (pellets and slugs) for flight performance and adding them to the bullet library accessible thru the various AB software apps. Our goal is to create projectile models from which shooters can build accurate gun profiles to support long-range fire solutions with these types of rifles and projectiles. Matt is kind enough to answer all our questions as we begin our journey into air rifle testing.
Looking forward for the tests that you’re gonna do, i’m deep into PCP too, i enjoy both center fire and PCP precision.
It takes a lot of my time to tune and test my air rifles in 4 calibers.
You’re gonna have fun with it.
As a hunter and shooter of firearms and PCP air rifles I’m so glad that you and your team are collaborating with Matt Dubber on this. I think that air rifles in the last few years have improved so much it’s unbelievable how well they shoot and how tune able they are. I’m having more fun trying to accurize them than any other rifle that I own. I can’t wait for you analysis on the rifles the projectile and tunes. Great job, your team is going to give more legitimacy to this up and coming shooting sport.
This is great! I have a good ok air gun…. And def see the cost/ round benefits… id love to potentially get a really nice set up
This is going to be an interesting journey for sure. Getting into air rifles during lockdown, if you really start following the trend, shooting longer distance and AB plays a big role in the sport. It’s great to see you guys getting into it as well and really looking forward to the data and solutions you come up with. Big thanks to Matt as well for all the info to get you guys going. Shout out to FX for providing the gear too! Thank you!!
Hi Bryan, just a question, aerodynamic jump is driven by the SG, is the math the same for drag stabilised projectiles like pellets as for spin stabilised bullets?