Francis Colon's approach to 2021 PRS Season
2:34:42 | This is part 1 of a 2 part podcast. Bryan catches up with Francis about how his 2021 PRS season went leading up to the AG cup. Equipment selection, match preparation, as well as mental and physical aspects of achieving peak performance are covered and various stories shared by both Bryan and Francis drawing from years of competitive experience in numerous disciplines.
I made it halfway through this, and wanted to come back later, but the player won’t let me pick back up where I left off, or fast forward to where I was last.
Is there any way to fix this? Making my way through 1.5 hours just to get back to my stopping point seems rough.
This is an area we’re looking to improve, meaning more easily controlled player.
In the mean time, you should be able to drag the progress bar of the player to roughly where you want it so you don’t have to sit thru the whole thing again.
Lots of pops and clicks in the audio. Were you guys having a fire-side chat?
Actually, yes! We were sitting next to a fire during this episode! We have since changed up our format to improve the audio, but we may revisit this one to see if we can improve the quality of the audio through some filtering.