#118 - AB Integrated Products and Features
00:42:04 | In this episode, Bryan and Francis answer some of the most common questions received from listeners. They will mainly discuss the latest Applied Ballistics integrated devices and highlight their capabilities
Hi AB guys, if you are able to, can you comment on the integration of the new AB enabled Calypso sensors including the unit that includes temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. For example, using AB on a smart phone, is the intention that inputs are populated from the device without manual user input (to Bryan’s point in this discussion)? AAssuming the device is live reading, does it snapshot at a given time? Can you record and input average? Apologies, lots of questions.
Hello guys
As usual great stuff.
Topic for you to look into could be primer seating depth. Does it matter.
Also spinning bullets to weed out the one that may not be truly concentric. Voodoo precision Brisbane Australia business is marketing a system (check out their facebook page) again waste of time or not.
You guys have any updates from Calypso regarding the bootloader issue? Would like to know if they are making any progress with regard to updating their AB product.
Hello, that is on Calypso’s end we do not have that information. We recommend reaching out to their team for more details. sales@calypsoinstruments.com